I created this website because not only am I fed up with paying high prices for drinking water in airport departure lounges, but we all need to cut down on the amount of one use plastics we are throwing away into the environment.
I travel from the UK to Spain regularly and when I am flying I prefer to drink water to keep me hydrated.
Although the security rules about liquids apply to the bottle size, i.e. you cannot take a 500ml bottle of shampoo with just a 10ml in the bottom, but you can take an empty bottle through security and fill it up in departures if there is a water fountain there.
I have seen people say that you can ask at a cafe / bar, but it seems to be getting a mixed reception from the staff. Whilst drinking water from the taps in the toilets may be OK from some places I like to know that the water I am drinking is either filtered or at least from the mains supply and not been stored in a tank.
I do travel to other countries as well, but I cannot hope to visit every airport in the world (unless someone out there wants to sponsor me ?? ) so please please help others if you travel through an airport look out for water fountains after security and use the contact form to let us know, if you cannot find one please let us know as well, maybe in time we can highlight the airports that want to rip us off.
With all the plastic that is ending up in our oceans, reusing plastic water bottles makes sense, if we use the plastic bottle twice we cut the waste in half or better still why not have a dedicated bottle for water.
I have tried to ask several airports how much plastic is collected in their bins each day, but have not yet had any replies.
I intend to keep this website free to use.
Please tell others about this website, share it on social media (@wateratairports) if we all work together we may be able to give everyone the chance of free water at airports and help reduce plastic waste.