There are no fountains. Water is sold 2€ for 33cl and 3.9€ for 1l. Deprive people from free water should be illegal. And of course you cannot bring water through security.
I also just got told to go to the toilets by the person at Guapa. The water in the toilets is warm so I’m not that confident to drink it. Unbelievable not to have taps in this day and age!
#plasticfree #BeatPlasticPollution @CRL_Airport
I just tried at Guapa, but she refused and told me to go refill my bottle in the toilets. So maybe it depends on the staff.
#plasticfree #BeatPlasticPollution @CRL_Airport
Camden Food sells 1 liter for 4.30€ so sort of saving, compared… Also inva wc has a tap where you can control the water temperature. But it’s very unclear what is hot and cold, it all feels the same?
#plasticfree #BeatPlasticPollution @CRL_Airport
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