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  • #295 Reply
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    icon avatar for AdminAdmin


      Please feel free to leave a comment about this website ( We would love your feedback ) click on the “To contact us” above or reply below ( all posts are moderated )

      Thank you

      #419 Reply
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      icon avatar for AdminAdmin

        I received this via the contact us form from Dora

        While the concept seems nice, this website lacks a lot of features, like there is no way to write on the forum since there is no login option. And a map for countries would be better than forum listing.

        Try installing a better and more managable theme. And by the way you can drink at every every airport, you just need to go in the toilet and fill your bottle there. I have been doing this for more than 4 years, not brain surgery..



        My answer is

        What more features are needed ?

        At the moment Guests cannot comment, I am waiting for the Forum software writers to include that feature. I stopped registration because spammers were registering and trying to put junk on the forum. ALL posts are set to be moderated before they can be seen, so really there is not advantage to being able to register and post, unless of course you are aircrew and travel around the world visiting many different airports and want to help this forum (if you are please tell me).

        Most people using this site will probably only visit 2 or 3 airports a year and then will probably only want to read and not comment, personally I would rather not register to a site I only want to make 1 comment on, I think for now the method you used to contact us works.

        I am not sure why a map would be better than a listing of airports.

        I have looked at the theme on all types of devices and I cannot see what is not working. The administrator is the only one who manages the theme so I do not understand that comment.

        I would NEVER drink from a toilet sink tap it is often not drinking water, even in the countries were you can drink the water it is often stored in tanks and not straight from the mains.


        NEW UPDATE.

        It is now possible to reply as a guest (no need to register) the ” contact us “still works if you would prefer.

        #535 Reply
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        icon avatar for AdminAdmin

          Received from Rod Osborne,

          1 Money saving expert .com is worth a look . Good site that keeps up to date.

          I  think that should be a good site too, I have asked them to support this site with a link but I have not even had a reply from them, they only show UK airports, the aim of this site is to be world wide, I do know that it is not complete, but I am hoping to get help from other travellers.

          2 Nothing for Norway. I am hoping for more information before I fly in Sep 2018. If not will attempt to update you. Norwegian Air has a low cost budget option but I have been told even water has to be purchased on flight (no cash) with a credit card unless you are paying for food.

          According to a report I found the Head of Communication Joachim Westher Andersen at Oslo Airport said in 2015:

          We know that free drinking water is popular, and we now have several fountains we hope the passengers will appreciate. People can bring empty water bottles through the security check and refill their water after getting through”

          and by the way he said free WiFi as well !

          #555 Reply
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          icon avatar for Chris PorterChris Porter

            Rome Fiumicino T3

            I asked a cleaner where to refill (they always know): in the toilets, the wash basins have three symbols above them – soap, water & dryer. SOME of the water symbols include a picture of a cup. I’ll post a photo if I can work out how to.

            #557 Reply
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            icon avatar for AdminAdmin

              Thank you Chris,

              I will copy this post to the Italy topic, I am more than happy to have photos, when you post a reply you should see above where you write the comment a format bar, the icon on the right that looks like a mountain and sun is how you post a photo, please let me know if it does not work.

              formatting bar



              #871 Reply
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              icon avatar for DanieldixDanieldix

                Hi All im noob here. Good article! Thx!

                #10947 Reply
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                icon avatar for LauraLaura

                  Tirana, Albania is missing from the list
                  #plasticfree #BeatPlasticPollution

                  Thank you, but we have contacted them several times but they are not replying

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                Reply To: Reply #871 in Comments about this website

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                If you would like to add a photo please click the  icon on the reply formatting bar (above where you write your comment)

                Please do not waste your time and mine by posting junk.

                If the Airport has more than 1 terminal please say which you are referring to

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