I can confirm the fountain at gate 9 is there and working. The other one, the other side of the concourse to gates 11-13, at the toilets opposite International Kitchen and Bar, is still there but currently out of service.
#plasticfree #BeatPlasticPollution @aena.es @aena
I asked woman in information, no water fontain in the airport. Eventually you can ask some staff in snacks bar when you’ll buy something for water to your bottle.
#plasticfree @aena.es @aena
Just confirming that as of 28 April there is still a fully working water fountain in the terminal beside Gate 9. And that plastic bottled water in the vending machines and shops like WH Smith is being sold at rip off prices. The cheapest there was 0.75 L of Vittel for €4.65…
#plasticfree #BeatPlasticPollution @aena.es @aena
No water fountains from what I can see. My flight is delayed so I’m comparing shop prices of bottled water.
€1.50 500ml from the vending machines.
€3 Evian 750ml airside El Kioske
Luisa Scott
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