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  • #10749 Reply
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    icon avatar for CliveClive

      This Airport is still restricting liquids to 100mls until further notice.

      This is from the airports website,

      Liquids and gels only allowed in containers of up to 2 litres in hand luggage.” ( so nobody should be throwing away water bottles before security )

      they also say “we do have a water fountain located by gate 7 but feel free to ask any of our food outlets to refill your water bottle – they’ll be happy to help.”

      #plasticfree #BeatPlasticPollution @LondonCityAir

      #9352 Reply
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      icon avatar for GedGed

        There is now an automatic filtered water refill station located between gates 7 and 8.
        #plasticfree @LondonCityAir

        #594 Reply
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        icon avatar for Contact Form UserContact Form User

          From Samantha at London City Airport

          As you possibly know the airport is tiny and therefore until we go through with the planned expansion we cannot place water fountains airside or landside.

          Therefore to ensure that all passengers can access free water at any time ,  we have always insisted that any coffee shop or food outlet has either a water  jug available with cups near it – space allowing , or provide water when asked from any of the taps, we  have also strategically placed a plant as you enter security and encourage all passengers to empty their bottles in it and get them refilled once airside.

          The only exception to this was our new unit on our West pier – Pret a manger  as for some reason they only have a hot tap – but always send passengers that enquire to Trumans where there is a jug or the staff can oblige.

          All of our staff are briefed in this practice and its included on our induction sheet given out to all agencies.- we have not noticed any monetary effect of providing free water.

          Please do not hesitate to contact me direct if you need to

          Samantha Hicks
          Commercial Services Manager
          Phone: 0207 646 0989

          #1380 Reply
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          icon avatar for ThomasThomas

            Truman’s have water in jugs and filled my bottle, they were very obliging. However most other food outlets don’t have water jugs including caffè nero and pret. Caffe nero couldn’t fill a bottle as the sinks are too small. It’s great that there is a policy in place, but it’s not really working. You should really just install some water fountains.


            @LondonCityAir #plasticfree

            #2812 Reply
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            icon avatar for CharlotteCharlotte

              I have traveled quite a bit through City in recent months and have found that Pret keep a large jug of filtered water in the fridge. Yesterday they did warn me it was just filled from the tap, so a bit warm, but all other times it has been fridge cold and they have been very obliging.

              @LondonCityAir #PlasticFree

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